MacCast 02.02.2005
wedge Opening

wedge Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
wedge News

wedge iPhoto 5.0.1 Update Available

* "addresses issues with upgrading iPhoto 4 libraries, dragging albums into folders, importing MPEG 4 movies, and also includes a number of other minor fixes."

* Fixes "Edit in External Editor" issue I was having. yeah.

wedge iPods Inside Microsoft

* 'About 80 percent of Microsoft employees who have a portable music player have an iPod'

* translates to 16,000 iPod users among the 25,000 who work at or near Microsoft's corporate campus.

* Executives are increasingly sending out memos frowning on its use.

wedge Why no PowerBook G5

* Is technically possible

* Would be heavy, thick and noisy. Not what consumers want from Apple.

wedge Skype Version 1.0 Available for OS X and Linux
* Free Skype to Skype

* SkypeOut calls to land line with Skype pre paid credits

* Conference calling up to 5 people

* Has tab in preferences for voicemail, but it's not enabled yet.

wedge New Podcatcher from Listener

* NowhereMan will release PodcastTuner as alpha next week
wedge Features

* - play content without launching iTunes or the QuickTime player

* - show you at a glance what shows have new "unheard" content
(kind of like the way NetNewsWire does)

* - let you pick and choose which of your shows get sent to iTunes

* - let you send individual episodes to iTunes manually

* - let you manually check for new content for one show at a time

* - display OPML show notes, when they exist, without opening a browser.

* - send those show notes to an attached ipod's note reader

wedge Thoughts, Comments, Emails and Feedback

wedge Joe mentions availability of Apple systems pre-installed with Linux

* Yellow Dog Linux pre-installed from Terrasoft Solutions—apple
* Terra Soft, an Apple Authorized OEM VAR (Value Added Reseller)

* Has anyone purchased one? What do you think?

wedge Call in Contest

* 8th person to call the Hotline 206-222-2788 (20-MACCAST-8)

* Tell me the title of the 6th track on John Hoskinson's CD Miscelleneous Heathen wins a free copy of the CD

wedge Closing

wedge Visit the website
* Show notes.

wedge Keep emails coming. More audio comments

* 206-222-2788 (20-MACCAST-8)

wedge This Will Change Everything - Mark Woznicki

* Originally from Philly now in Sweden

* Podcast - "Gettin jiggy whit Mark Woznicki"