MacCast 01.10.2006 - Show #113
V Opening
V Opening Music
* Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
V News
V The MacWorld Predictions
* Intel iBooks or widescreen iBooks
* Intel PowerBooks or iMacs
V MacMini DVR / media-center
* FrontRow 2.0
V iLife '06
* Enhancements across the existing apps
* Garageband and iMovie (podcast enhancements?)
* FrontRow added?
* A small "mistake" on the GarageBand web site may have revealed this one along with a new "iWeb" addition? Possibly a web site creation app.
V color iPod shuffles
* Maybe with a small screen
* Maybe not as 1GB Shuffles are now back in stock at Apple online store
V AirPort Express for Video
* A spanish listener noticed this in the help viewer for Airport Express after running the latest update:
* "Control de la calidad de reproducción en tiempo real de audio y vidéo"

translated to english is something like:
"Real time quality control for audio and video playback"
V "Instant on" booting using NAND Flash memory and Intel Robson cache technology.
* Think sort of how the iPod or Newton boot almost instantly.
* I have one listener who insists they have "insider" info that this is true.
V Apple plasma HDTVs (Totally fictional?)
* O'Gradys PowerPage—Plasma Mac
* 42 and 50-inch plasma HDTVs with DVI-HDCP and VGA hookups. Intel VIIV computers with Mac OS 10.4.4 for x86.
* $2599 and $3299 respectively.
* Frontrow 2.0 w/DVR included.
* iPhone?
V Additional MacWorld info
* No Live video stream from Apple, but the video should be posted immediately following the event.
* .Mac will be undergoing scheduled maintenance, so the speculation that Apple is added feature to deliver media content, especially movies, are still going strong.
V Adobes Aperture competitor, Lightroom
* Aimed a photographers Adobe says it's “the efficient new way for professional photographers to import, select, develop, and showcase large volumes of digital images."
V Designed around a workflow methodology and has four modules:
* Library to manage and organize
* Develop for color correction and image manipulation
* Slideshow. Also for creating web galleries.
* Print. Contact sheets, templates, etc.
* Looks like it is a little more slimmed down and targeted than Aperture
* Written ground up and is Cocoa based, but does not use Core Image. Public BETA is NOT Universal binary, but Adobe promises Intel support.
* Public Beta for Mac should be available on Adobes site today (1/10/2006).
Adobe Lightroom Beta
V Widgets on your iPod?
* Macsimum News is reporting on a January 5th patent filing from Apple. - iPod Widgets
* “Widget authoring and editing environment."
* One part describes, "Widgets will be able to run on a “handheld computer, mobile device, consumer electronic device or the like.”
V Lego Mindstorms NXT
* Saw these at CES and the new generation will come with Mac support standard
* The current version you can order the OS X software from LEGO Educational Division
LEGO Robolab 2.5.4 for OS X
* The RCX brick will have direct USB transfer (no IR) and Bluetooth
* New sensors including a sonar sensor
* Available in August 2006 for $250.00 USD
V Apple laptops don't fair well in "reliability" study
* An informal survey of 10,000 iBooks and PowerBooks done by Macintouch - Laptop Survey
V This had some startling results
* 41% repaired (lifetime), with 22% in first year, 18% in 2nd-3rd year
* Fewest Repairs:
* original (colored) iBooks
* PowerBook G3
* 12" PowerBook G4 (2005)
* 12" iBook G4 (recent models)
* Most Repairs:
* iBook G3 (esp. in 2003, motherboard defects)
* 15" titanium PowerBook G4 (esp. in 2003, optical drive, case/latch/hinge)
* 15" aluminum PowerBook G4 (first version, screen defects)
V These results seem to contradict what you hear about the quality and reliability of Macs.
* People who complain are more likely to take the survey
* Certain models have had issues in larger numbers.
V Sandvox a new web development app from Karelia
* Karelia, the makers of Watson the original Mac "web services" app. - Sandvox
* The new have a public BETA of a really cool looking web site creation tool.
* Looks like it has some really nice templates, a great UI and "pagelets", little segments of code for adding video, audio, RSS, etc.
* The obvious comparison is to RapidWeaver - RapidWeaver
V iPod Film Festival
* The Flux is holding the 1st iPod film festival - iPod Film Festival
* Submit films under 10 minutes in these categories: Student film, Indie film, Family Clips, and Music Video. By January 25th. 2006.
* You will be able to download, view and vote on the films beginning February 1st, 2006.
V Feedback, Comments and Commentary
V Microsoft OS X... oh, I mean Vista.
* Had a chance to see this at CES
* It would have been nice to see one item that wasn't "borrowed" from OS X. Doesn't Microsoft have like a gazillion dollars?
* Video of MIcrosoft marketing audio synced with OS X video screen captures showing the OS X equivalent of Vistas "revolutionary" features
Vista Parody Video Part 1
Vista Parody Video Part 2
* Still won't be out until the end of the year.
* Good news is the must really know a good OS when they see it.
V Follow-up: Mac equivalent to Norton GoBack
* I suggested Mac Shield Enhanced and an Apple Store employee wrote to say that is what they use at their store to protect systems from customers. - Mac Shield Enhanced
* Many suggested Faronics DeepFreeze. All changes are eradicated on a reboot. - DeepFreeze
* Works with Apple Remote Desktop - Remote Desktop
* If you are a real UNIX geek there is a set of command line tools called Radmind. These allow remote administration and the ability to watch for and reverse changes.
V Follow-up: iMovie HD transitions with "popping" audio
* Lots of confirmation of this issue so something Apple is going to need to address.
* Play solution from Starfire
* I will try to post additional suggested fixes and work around to the Followup section of the MacCast forum
V Free Soundseeing Tours of San Francisco
* If you are at MacWorld and from out of town, Chris from the Amateur Traveler is doing audio tours of SFO
* They are available in his Podcast feed and via his web site. He also has Google maps with photos to accompany the tours.
V Getting "status" in Apple Mail
* Listener Nick asked about something that took me a long time to find when I first started using Apple Mail. How can you see the progress when you are sending/receiving mail.
* Activity Viewer. You'll find it under the 'Window' menu. The shortcut is Command (Apple) + 0.
V Podcasting + Books = PodioBooks
* Free audiobooks great new delivery method.
* Play promo from Evo
V Closing
V Visit the website
* Show notes.
V Keep emails coming. More audio comments
V 206-222-2788 (20-MACCAST-8)
* MacCast Forum
V "Country Song" by Icepaw
* Sent in buy Guy who produced a "homebrew" video for the song
* View the Music Video
Icepaw Music Video
V Promos
* Mac Announcements Podcast
* Engagement Head