MacCast 02.16.2006 - Show #121
V Opening
V Opening Music
* Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
V News
V Apple upgrades MacBook Pros and starts shipping
* Processors were upgraded before shipping. 1.67 to 1.83GHz and 1.83GHz to 2.0GHz. Also added a 2.16GHz build to order (BTO) option.
* Some reports are noting that some customers are getting notice that the ship dates for their MacBook Pros are delayed up to 2 weeks.
V Mac OS 10.4.5 released. iLife Updates
* Also released on Valentines day.
* My iBook feels a lot snappier.
* Fixes the video "tearing" issue in FrontRow. It also fixes the stuttering audio issues on some PowerBooks when using multiple audio apps at the same time.
V Some fixes to note
* printing to some Epson printer models
V time zone and daylight savings for 2006 and 2007.
* Listener David points out this is important for Australia as they will have their DST extended one week in 2006 for the Commonwealth Games.
* If your Mac gets its time from a time server the Mac will amount for this. Windows users will have to install a patch from Microsoft, and then manually delete it.
* VPN connections to Cisco servers when using NAT
V Several iLife '06 apps updated
* iTunes, iWeb, iPhoto, iMovieHD and iDVD
V Government grant application system excludes Macs
* Listener Jane sent me this Washington post article
Grant system excludes Macs
* is a multi-billion dollar system for phasing out paper that all 26 grant agencies are supposed to be online with by 2007.
* Northrop Grumman is developing the system and choose a technology from Canadian based PureEdge Solutions for the e-forms. Problem is it only supports Windows.
* Grumman says the choose the PrueEdge solution because 90% of computer users in the US use PC. Problem is Macs are about one-third to one-half of the computers scientists and academicians use.
* The National Institute of Health dropped plans to switch to the system.
V Hacker succeeds in getting Intel 10.4.4 to run on PC
* A hacker who foes by Maxxuss has released a preliminary patch to allow the Intel version of OS 10.4.4 to run on PCs
Intel 10.4.4 on PC Patch
* He notes that it is a "preliminary release" as currently it requires a PC with a CPU with SSE3. He is working to get generic PC with SSE2 to run.
V Of course this is highly illegal. According to a blog post on CNet the hacker also found this limerick waiting inside OS X
* "Your karma check for today:
There once was was a user that whined
his existing OS was so blind,
he'd do better to pirate
an OS that ran great
but found his hardware declined.
Please don't steal Mac OS!
Really, that's way uncool.
(C) Apple Computer, Inc."
V First Mac OS X Virus?
* Someone posted a file on the forum saying they were screenshots of 10.5 Leopard.
* The file, "latestpics.tgz" when unzipped appears to be a JPEG and a resource fork, but when clicked are actually UNIX executable code.
* It is unclear what the code does exactly, but Andrew Welch is doing a disassembly and posting info on the Ambrosia Software forum.
First OS X Virus?
* So far it seems to use Spotlight, find all your apps and insert stub code into each one. No idea what the stub code does. Then it calls more executable code in the fake resource fork file.
* Some effected report that it attempts to replicate itself over Bonjour
V Over 700 Universal apps now available
* Apple now claims their are over 700 Universal applications available. Adobe Lightroom Beta 2 being on of those.
V Feedback, Comments and Commentary
V Tivo on Mac follow-up
* Galleon lead developer quits
Galleon TiVo Media Server
* Without a PC seems to be now way to extract MPEG-2s from their Tivo wrapper.
V Tivo released an update to its Mac software and it's now Tiger compatible
Tivo Desktop Software
* Still no Tivo To Go support
V How to sync iWeb sites with Backup 3.1
* Backup 3.0.1 update now adds a built-in "Quick-pick" to quickly backup or iWeb sites.
* Play how to from Peter from Peters Mac Tips
V Control iTunes with CoverBuddy and Clutter
* I found this app in the latest Mac Addict
V CoverBuddy allows you to remote control your iTunes
* Creates an index of your albums and the art and then gives you a "CD" cover style view of your music.
* Can select tracks by finding the "CD" and flipping it over for tracks. Double click track to play.
* Has a built in web server to display and control your iTunes remotely. Has format for PSP.
* Can link off to to get album art, but it is not automated.
* $19.99 USD, may be a bit over priced.
* Clutter is freeware and does a similar thing. Put virtual "CD"s on your desktop and double click the CD to play in iTunes. It does get art from Amazon automatically.
V Closing
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V "Wasting My Time" by Matthew Ebel
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