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Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
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Macworld 2010
I'll be there starting Wednesday night through Saturday
Where you can find me:
Mac Podcaster Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF 01)
Thursday 2/11 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Open to all Expo attendees including Expo Only
Cirque Du Mac Party 2/11 from 8:00 PM to Midnight
Your Mac Should be on TV - Apple Home Theater Demystified
Friday 2/12 from 3:15 to 3:45 on the Main Stage (Expo floor)
With Ara Derderian
Data Robotics (Drobo) Booth, #1454
Saturday 2/13 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
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Deep Freeze
Integrates with Apple Remote Desktop
Selectively Freeze or Thaw fixed drives, volumes, or partitions
Supports virtualized environments.
Free trial available
Rumors of the iPad's possible features
From the iPad SDK
Support for external monitors.
Shared file directory
Universal apps (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
Printing to network printers over Wifi
Camera support
Images from the keynote video showing what looks like a camera
images of the bezel frame showing a camera mount that fits the Macbook iSight.
Prototype of a "handwriting" keyboard in iPhone OS 3.2, which may use some combination of Inkwell and FingerWorks technologies (Ars Technica)
Book publishers ramp up for the iPad
Electronista says Rupert Murdoch openly dismissed Amazon's e-book store in favor of Apple's.
Publishers have been upset with amazon's $9.99 or less pricing model for the Kindle. A point recently seceded to publish McMillian.
Seems similar to the battle Apple had with record labels over $0.99 track pricing. Which Apple later gave in to, for DRM free.
Apple is likely believed to be selling best sellers for between $12.99 and $14.99 on the iBooks Store taking their usual 30 percent cut.
The Wall Street Journal reports that textbook publishers McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt K-12, Pearson Education, and Kaplan, among others are all working on projects to reformat some textbooks for the iPad
Many are working with Srcollmotion which already brings books to the iPod Touch and iPhone
Features: study guides and test-prep material, search functions, dictionaries, and interactive quizzes.
What about Magazines?
Cult of Mac said Wired's Magazine designers rushed to get something ready for Apple's announcement, the trouble? It used Adobe AIR which, like Flash won't run on the iPad.
Magazine and newspaper staffs use InDesign which can be easily ported to other adobe technologies like AIR and Flash.
I still think they need a simple, interactive, publishing format.
Apple supports PDF, but that is too static given recent tablet demos we've seen.
what about iDVD and DVD Studio Pro becoming iTunes LP, and iBooks interactive publishing apps?
In some ways it feels like the tablet may bring back the promise of CD ROMs, but in a much bigger and way.
Comic Books?
Iphone apps for that, but iPad specific apps with in-app purchase could take that to a bigger level.
Marvel doesn't think so due to the lack of Flash.
iVerse, Comixology and Panelfly
27" iMac woes may not be over
I've had at least a couple listeners report still having graphics issue with their 27" iMacs even after Apple's latest firmware update.
Also reports of yellow tint on screen. Apple says this is normal based on conditions. Will offer LCD replacements in some persistent cases?
Reports from Gizmodo that the issue is with an LG component and some Dell LCDs are suffering the same issue.
Might be a replacement LCD shortage at least in Europe.
Gizmodo also reported that some repeat iMac returners were being offered a full refund, plus 15% for their troubles.
Apple 27" iMac currently sits at a 2 week wait on deliveries.
MacNN was reporting that Apple was temporarily halting 27" iMac production on both Core i5 and i7's until a fix can be implemented.
Apple says it's actually trying to ramp up production to meet demand according to Boy Genius Reports.
27-inch iMac Display Firmware Update 1.0
A second update and different than the 27-inch iMac Graphics Firmware Update 1.0 released in December
Addresses the same "flickering" display issues.
No note on if it addresses the "yellow" display issue.
Apple software updates
iTunes 9.0.3
iTunes no longer ignores your "Remember password for purchases" setting.
Addresses problems with syncing some Smart Playlists and Podcasts with iPod.
Resolves a problem recognizing when iPod is connected.
Addresses issues that affect stability and performance.
iPhone OS 3.1.3 for the iPhone and iPod touch
Addresses several security issues
fixes flaws that could lead to arbitrary code execution or app crashes when playing maliciously crafted mp4 files, viewing maliciously crafted TIFF images, and accessing maliciously crafted FTP servers
fixes a USB-related issue that could grant access to data on locked iPhones
fixes an issue where Mail could send unwanted data in certain situations when HTML 5 media elements load
improved battery level accuracy on the iPhone 3GS
fixed a problem where third party apps might not launch
fixed a compatibility issue that could cause some apps to crash when using the Japanese Kana keyboard
Some isolated issues being reported according to iPodNN
Ironically erratic battery indicators with percentages bouncing up and down
Some units losing battery life and running hot
Smart playlists using more than 1 criteria not syncing to iPod Touch (music still syncs, but playlists are missing tracks).
iPhone 3.1.3 firmware wrecks any previous unlocking or jailbreaking efforts, warns the unofficial iPhone Dev Team
They have already released the PwnageTool 3.1.5 for Mac OS X with a warning
"iPhone 3GS users (regardless of unlock) should stay away from this and all 3.1.3 jailbreak tools unless you know you have your “SHSH hashes” backed up via Cydia"
iTunes Web Preview now supports Apps.
Reports of Mac Pro Nahalem audio issues
AppleInsider and others report users of the latest Mac Pros with Nehalem-based Intel Xeon processors seeing a a 20 percent performance hit when playing audio in Mac OS X
Originally pointed out by ArsTechnica
Seems to effect both both early 2009 and late 2009 Mac Pro models when playing audio in iTunes or other audio apps.
Processor temps also reportedly double.
Oddly there isn't an increase in processor load, just an overall performance decrease and increases in power draw and heat
There are current rumors of Mac Pro updates on the horizon
Using variation of Intels new 6-core processors
Core i7-980X and Core i7-970 six-core desktop processors
Codenamed "Gulftown" and formerly rumored "i9"
Rumor of Macbook Pro updates
Might even happen as I record this.
9 to 5 Mac got word from a Best Buy employee showing them "deleted" from their inventory system.
Updates rumored to be a bump up to Intel Core i5 and i7 mobile processors
Some asking if 3G connectivity might be a possibility. If so I wonder who the US carrier will be (joke)?
Apple releases Aperture 3
Accoring to Apple the release has over 200 new features
Including 64-Bit Support (requires Snow Leopard and Intel Core 2 Duo processor)
Apple highlights
Faces and Places
Brushes to "paint" on effects selectively. Offers edge detection
New adjustment presets
Full-screen browser
Advanced slideshows
With photos, HD video clips, titles, layered soundtracks, and professionally designed themes.
Intel-based Mac
An Intel Core 2 Duo processor is recommended
Mac OS X v10.5.8 or v10.6.2 or later
1GB of RAM or 2GB of RAM required for Mac Pro
$199.00 USD
Free-frial is available.
GoToAssist Express
From Citrix, make GoToMeeting and GoToMyPC
Customers get a simple URL or can go to fastsupport.com and enter a code
Quick and easy, no opening ports or tweaking firewalls
Monthly and pay as you go options.
Try it free for 30-days
Go to Assist dot com slash Maccast
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Is iPad for us or the rest of them?
Lots of debate among the geeks as to why this iPad sucks
Lack of multitasking, Flash, no HDMI out, 4:3 Aspect ratio, cameras,the name?
AT&T in states, No T-Mobile, micro-SIM
Can we just grow up about the name? Jokes will fade.
I think like the iPhone, this isn't for geeks or hackers who want a device to do with what they want.
Is it what the average non-geek wants?
Easy to use somewhat low cost.
Buy and consume media
Surf the web
Create office documents
keyboard support
Direct photo import
Omni Focus plans
"...we feel Apple’s iPad is: the best computing device for most of the things people use computers for"
OmniGraffle, OmniOutliner, OmniPlan, OmniFocus, and OmniGraphSketcher.
What are the consumer concerns?
6 SKUs
As listener Rui points out this is a bit confusing
Also staggered launch dates.
I understand why, but maybe 3 or 4 SKUs could have accomplished the same.
$499 16 GB Wi-fi, $599 32 GB Wi-fi, $729 32GB 3G, $829 64GB 3G
I could see a future price drop to a 3G only line
$499, $599, and $699 for wi-fi+3G models
Credit Suisse analyst Bill Shope claims Apple already has plans for price drops based on demand.
Lack of printing
Can it be used without a computer?
Does it HAVE to sync with iTunes?
How to backup?
Mobile Me sync and direct buying enough?
iPad for Business
Lack of printing and file sharing (Apple said to be considering upgrades)
Exchange support, push email, remote lock and wipe.
This is a "consumer" device first. These came later on the iPhone too.
Verticals are going to be big.
Medical, insurance, reality, construction, hospitality, museums, travel, etc.
Mike's wife opened her own Optometry Office and they run MacPractice, a Mac only suite for managing doctor's offices.
They plan to use iPads to do direct patient entry of forms from the waiting room right into the system.
They can then have games, movies, books, music, magazines, and web access to use while they wait.
MacPractice has already announced they will do an iPad app (they have iPhone iPod Touch support already).
iPad IPS Display technology
Explanation via Macworld reprint from the PC World Geek Tech Blog
IPS = In-Plane Switching
Developed by Hitachi and introduced in 1996.
Apple's current 21.5" and 27" iMacs use IPs technology.
Offer a much wider viewing angle than other forms of LCD technology.
Panel on the iPad is 9.7-inch 1024-by-768 resolution LED-backlit and has a 178 degree viewing angle.
Most low cost netbooks use a cheaper twisted nematic (TN) display technology with 6-bit color.
IPS supports 8-bit color
Interestingly the iPad's display is only 132 pixels per inch and the iPhone and iPod Touch have 480 × 320 displays with roughly 162
I also wonder about vertical vs. horizontal off angle viewing.
Canadian iTunes gift cards no go on apps
From listener Bill
What's bad about this is that it's not apparent from the card or even in iTunes.
You have to go to the iTunes legal page
Even then it in section 10 of the App Store
According to some reports Apple iTunes support reps listed the reason as Canadian law:
"Due to tax laws and commerce restrictions for software in Canada, customers residing in Canada may only purchase games and applications using a credit card."
A customer Jim Whitelaw documented a similar issue on his blog back in October 2009
A senior rep said that those statements were "unauthorized" and that it is simple Apple's policies that prohibit the use of gift cards for Canadian App Store purchases.
So I ask now, Can you buy iPod Games? Could "tax laws" in Canada be influencing Apple's policies?
Get word count in any Cocoa App
Joe in the forum wanted a way to get word count in Text Edit
The key to this is OS X Services
Specifically the 'Statistics' text service
Under the Application menu --> Services...
In Snow Leopard you customize this in the Keyboard System Preferences under the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
Select 'Services' from the list on the right side of the pane
Check on or off the service you want.
Once the 'Statistics...' text service is enabled then just select the section of text you want in any Cocoa app, then control+click in Snow Leopard to access the Services-->Statistics… (or use the Application menu). It will display the Characters, Spaces, Total, Word count, and number of lines.
Create a yearly iPhoto Archive
Andrew was wondering the best way to get 1 year's worth of iPhoto's onto a DVD for archiving
I use iPhoto built in disk burning and Smart albums (iPhoto '09)
In iPhoto choose 'File' --> 'New Smart Album'
In the settings use 'Date' as the criteria and the 'is in the range' as the parameter. Then set the date range for 1 year (1/1/2009 to 12/31/2009).
Then you can select that Smart Album from the list and choose 'Burn' under the 'Share' menu.
A typical single layer DVD will hold about 4.7 GB of data, but iPhoto will also pull over the thumbnails, metadata, etc. so I say about 4.0 GB per DVD
If a single year's worth of photos ends up too large for 1 DVD I just create Smart Albums in 6 month, 4 month, or 3 month periods for a given year and burn more DVDs
I like this method because it creates iTunes compatible DVDs, if you want more universal DVDs then simply mount the DVD in the Finder, select the Smart Album in iPhoto, do a 'Select all' from the 'Edit' menu and then drag the photos directly to the DVD in the Finder and do the burn.
In this case you will only end up with the Photos and not the metadata, etc.
To finish off you project you can use DVD label software like Disc Label. I like to color code by year.
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"Newchain" by The Vicious Guns
Artist's website
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EOL: Lego iPad
It had to happen. A replica of an Apple iPad made from LEGO. (via Cult of Mac)