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Special - Why Apple?
Why are you an Apple user?
With all the speculation about the future of Apple and longevity of the products going forward without Steve at the helm, I wanted to take a different perspective.
Can we gain a deeper perspective on Apple and it's future by looking inward and to it's past?
I asked simple question to 11 Apple journalists, podcasters, creative professionals, and fans. "Why are you an Apple User?"
The answers are varied but in them you can see the common elements, parts, and threads that Steve has carefully woven into the fabric of Apple and show why we as fans can rest assured in the longevity of Apple and his legacy.
Why I'm an Apple user
When I started it was a tool that was the best for my Graphic Design work. I used PageMaker, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.
An appreciation for the design of the object itself with the Bondi iMac, B&W G3, White iBook, iPod, Mac Mini
An appreciation of the design of experience and ease of use that came later, especially with the iOS devices.
What's interesting is that all of these things when I think about it have always been there at the core of Apple, but they manifest and reveal themselves at different times and for different reasons, but ultimately why I'm an Apple fanatic.
The strange thing is I don't understand why everyone isn't insisting on being a fanatic? Wanting and insisting that technology be made in ways that enhance and improve our ability to be creative and get work done without detracting from the process should be thought of a "crazy" or "zealotry". It should be expected.
This is what Apple gets and why I think the competition is destined to always copy, mimic, and follow, but never fully understand.
The answers
Jeff Gamet
Managing Editor at Mac Observer
Contributor to Design Tools Weekly and We Have Communicators podcasts
@jgamet on Twitter
John Chambers
Host of the One Minute Tip series of Podcasts
@tipman on Twitter
Ken Ray
Host of the Mac OS Ken Podcast and Mac OSk Ken Day 6
@macosken on Twitter
Victor Cajiao
Host of the Typical Mac User and Typical Shutterbug podcasts
@victorcajiao on Twitter
J.C. Hutchins
Novelist, screenwriter, and transmedia storyteller who you may know from the 7th Son novel and podcast.
@ jchutchins on Twitter
Peter Cohen
Executive editor at The Loop. Co-host, Angry Mac Bastards podcast.
@flargh on Twitter
John Martellaro
Senior Editor at The Mac Observer
@ jmartellaro on Twitter
Veronica Belmont
Host of @Tekzilla on Revision3
@veronica on Twitter
Scott Johnson
Creator of the Frogpants Studios podcast empire
@extralife on Twitter
Dave Hamilton
Mac Observer and the Mac Geek Gab podcast
@DaveHamilton on Twitter
Bart Busschots
From the International Mac Podcast (IMP)
@bbusschots on Twitter
Now a question to you…
Why are you an Apple user?
Send me an audio response, no longer than 5 minutes, and it may end up in a follow-up episode.
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