How I prep the Maccast
I think I've covered this topic on a high level, but I haven't gotten too deep into the workflow
I figured maybe it's time to change that.
It's also been a while since I discussed how I do the Maccast
This time around I'm going to just stick to the prep.
Gathering the News
Since Google Reader shutdown I use Feedbin
Paid service that runs $30.00/yr. USD
The key thing is that I use Tags and Tag Drawers to organize my feeds
Apple, Blogs, San Diego, Technology, etc.
Apple the feeds I need for Maccast are tagged with 'Mac'
Sync support with Mr. Reader and Readkit
My feed strategy
Daily I will process through my RSS feeds using ReadKit or Mr. Reader
This is a "fast pass" where I look at the title and summary to see if it's an article I'd like to comment on in the next show
If it is I 'star' the article and move on.
If there is something that I want to read, more for my general knowledge, that isn't directly for the show I do one of two things
If it's a longer article I send it to my 'Pocket' queue. This is also what I do for video, more on why later.
If it's a product, cool website, or just a link I want to remember I send it to Delicious (yes I still use it).
ReadKit (Mac)
I landed on readkit because it had support for reading in multiple services that I use
Instapaper, Pocket, Delicious, and Feedbin. It supports others
Has your standard three panel "iTunes" style interface
Services and feeds on the right
Article list and summaries
Main panel for the content
My Feedbin tag groups show up as folders under the Feedbin service
I also have Pocket and Delicious being pulled into ReadKit
Can control the services in the Sharing List
ReadKit > Preferences
Click on Sharing tab
Select the service and check (or uncheck) the 'Enabled' option
'Click to record' to set a shortcut for that service. I have Command+Option+Control+P set for Pocket for example.
You can also drag and drop articles to another service.
I can navigate my feeds and control actions all with the keyboard
ReadKit has several one key shortcuts (that I think match the web app) to make navigation easy
Arrow keys to navigate articles
Press 'G' to view in 'Readability' distraction free mode.
Press 'F' to toggle starred or unstarred
Press 'A' to mark as read or unread
To make things go faster I also set an article to get marked as read when I select it in the article list
ReadKit > Preferences
Click on the 'General' tab
Check the 'Mark selected feed items as read' option.
ReadKit also has SmartFolders and I use this with a rule to gather the starred articles together that I will come back to when I sit down to do the show notes.
The rule is any starred articles that are from the Feedbin service
Mr. Reader (iOS)
This one is a little more straight forward.
I have it sync up with the Feedbin account
Not surprisingly I have the 'Pocket' and 'Delicious' sharing services enabled.
Settings > Services
Can enable them by placing in the 'Shown in Sharing' area. Also, re-order.
There are the tag folders again.
One of my favorite features is the ability to control where the "Actions" toolbar is located (left, right, or bottom)
Settings > Article View > Actions Toolbar Location
The means that when I hold the iPad in one hand I have thumb access to move forward and backward in articles in the article view
You can also swipe up when you read the end of an article to jump to the next one.
The Action Toolbar has the "star" and "send to service" options too.
The 'Thumbpad' is also great.
Swipe in from an edge, saw with your thumb and get Up/Down/Close navigation right under your finger. Defaults to "next" article option, but just slide to change the button. When you lift up it triggers the action.
The Thumbpad can be enabled and changed in Settings > Article View
Settings > Themes
I like the "Cupertino Blue" theme. Looks a lot like OS X Mail
They have some built-in, but you can also tap 'Install More' to browse others
If you're technically inclined you can also access the "Theme" editor and tweak themes and save your own.
1Password, "Launch 1Password" integration.
I have Pocket for OS X and iOS, but use it exclusively on my iPad
This is where I do all my video watching and long form reading.
This is where I get a lot of my ideas for opinion and commentary segments
Pocket has the option to 'archive' read content, but for the most part I remove articles after reading.
Tap and hold the archive "check" icon in the iPad interface to get the 'Delete' option
I browse the 'Articles' and 'Video' views separately
To me they are different experiences.
I usually have my OmniOutliner or ByWord show note file open so I can take any notes as I read.
What's great about Pocket is that it integrates with so many other apps and it has the Safari 'bookmarklet'
I do try to tag items going into Pocket when I have an option.
I'll also star and tag articles that I want to come back to and do more research on.
Gathering the feedback
I access all my GMail using Mail.app or Mail in iOS
I never use the web interface.
As mail comes in I reply. If there is something I want to cover on the show I flag it with a 'Red' flag and also add it to a 'Next Maccast' IMAP folder.
Recently I started using Dave Sparks add the folder to the Mail Tool bar trick. Less dragging.
On iOS the interface for 'Move' is a lot better since you are "in-context"
If there is an associated audio file that get's put into an 'audio' folder in the show folder
Another tip, also prompted by Dave Sparks eMail book, is Sanebox (now a Maccast sponsor)
Pre-filters the inbox from newsletter, PR emails, etc.
If I can't reply immediately or need some time to research a topic before replying I can use the 'Automatic follow-up reminders' (1 day, 1 week, etc.)
Another key to the dealing with volumes of email puzzle
I have shortcuts for common questions and replies.
Basically if I find myself making the same reply, or basically the same reply, a second time I create a TextExpander snippet for it.
Optional sections and fill-ins are key for dynamic information
"What episode did you talk about?" for example I have a URL fill-in.
Can also personalize.
Optional sections let me add more, or less, detail as needed.
Chain snippets
Google Voice
This is a great tool because of the transcripts. Not great, but enough to get the gist of if it needs a reply before the show.
Download the audio file to the show folder
Biggest downside (or upside depending on your view) is a 3 min limit.
For almost every group podcast I am ever on.
I also use it to stay connected during the day
I use my studio mic and headphones.
Audio Hijack Pro
This is my main tool for capturing Skype Interviews
I basically use the Skype preset and record all audio to a single channel
I use the "Monomizer" filter in the filter chain to create a mono AIFF audio file.
Discontinued in 2012, but still works in Mountain Lion at least.
Every recording outside GarageBand gets filtered through this.
Writing the notes
Great because it's cross device and I can use Dropbox or iCloud for keeping in sync
When I'm working in ByWord I'm still mostly outlining so lists are key
Some cool shortcuts I learned from Brett Terpstra's awesome blog are key
Command + Option + Up - selects the word your insertion point is currently in. Press again and it selects the line
Command+Control+Up or Command+Control+Down will move a line up or down in the list order. Don't need a selection, just have the insertion bar on the line you want to move
When on a line that's a list item, press Command+Shift+L to toggle between bullet and numbered list formatting. Good to quickly toggle back and forth and renumber a numbered list after moving things around.
I like to use Marked and the GitHub theme when I'm actually recording the show
OmniOutliner Pro
This is the main app I am now using to compose show notes on my Mac and in iOS
I use the OmniSync service to keep my documents in sync when I'm working in a show.
This gets moved to a local folder on my Mac when I do the show.
The level styles are the key for formatting
Being able to grab entire sections to re-organize the flow of the show is great.
Often a topic might make sense to go with or near another topic.
Create a separate column for links
Thanks for listening
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