Maccast Members Show #171 - Prepping the Show
V Opening
V How I prep the Maccast
* I think I've covered this topic on a high level, but I haven't gotten too deep into the workflow
* I figured maybe it's time to change that.
* It's also been a while since I discussed how I do the Maccast
* This time around I'm going to just stick to the prep.
V Topics
V Gathering the News
V Feedbin
* Since Google Reader shutdown I use Feedbin
* Paid service that runs $30.00/yr. USD
V The key thing is that I use Tags and Tag Drawers to organize my feeds
* Apple, Blogs, San Diego, Technology, etc.
* Apple the feeds I need for Maccast are tagged with 'Mac'
* Sync support with Mr. Reader and Readkit
V My feed strategy
* Daily I will process through my RSS feeds using ReadKit or Mr. Reader
* This is a "fast pass" where I look at the title and summary to see if it's an article I'd like to comment on in the next show
* If it is I 'star' the article and move on.
V If there is something that I want to read, more for my general knowledge, that isn't directly for the show I do one of two things
* If it's a longer article I send it to my 'Pocket' queue. This is also what I do for video, more on why later.
* If it's a product, cool website, or just a link I want to remember I send it to Delicious (yes I still use it).
V ReadKit (Mac)
* I landed on readkit because it had support for reading in multiple services that I use
* Instapaper, Pocket, Delicious, and Feedbin. It supports others
V Has your standard three panel "iTunes" style interface
* Services and feeds on the right
* Article list and summaries
* Main panel for the content
V My Feedbin tag groups show up as folders under the Feedbin service
* I also have Pocket and Delicious being pulled into ReadKit
V Can control the services in the Sharing List
* ReadKit > Preferences
* Click on Sharing tab
* Select the service and check (or uncheck) the 'Enabled' option
* 'Click to record' to set a shortcut for that service. I have Command+Option+Control+P set for Pocket for example.
* You can also drag and drop articles to another service.
* I can navigate my feeds and control actions all with the keyboard
V ReadKit has several one key shortcuts (that I think match the web app) to make navigation easy
* Arrow keys to navigate articles
* Press 'G' to view in 'Readability' distraction free mode.
* Press 'F' to toggle starred or unstarred
* Press 'A' to mark as read or unread
V To make things go faster I also set an article to get marked as read when I select it in the article list
* ReadKit > Preferences
* Click on the 'General' tab
* Check the 'Mark selected feed items as read' option.
V ReadKit also has SmartFolders and I use this with a rule to gather the starred articles together that I will come back to when I sit down to do the show notes.
* The rule is any starred articles that are from the Feedbin service
V Mr. Reader (iOS)
* This one is a little more straight forward.
* I have it sync up with the Feedbin account
V Not surprisingly I have the 'Pocket' and 'Delicious' sharing services enabled.
* Settings > Services
* Can enable them by placing in the 'Shown in Sharing' area. Also, re-order.
* There are the tag folders again.
V One of my favorite features is the ability to control where the "Actions" toolbar is located (left, right, or bottom)
* Settings > Article View > Actions Toolbar Location
* The means that when I hold the iPad in one hand I have thumb access to move forward and backward in articles in the article view
* You can also swipe up when you read the end of an article to jump to the next one.
* The Action Toolbar has the "star" and "send to service" options too.
V The 'Thumbpad' is also great.
* Swipe in from an edge, saw with your thumb and get Up/Down/Close navigation right under your finger. Defaults to "next" article option, but just slide to change the button. When you lift up it triggers the action.
* The Thumbpad can be enabled and changed in Settings > Article View
V Themes
V Settings > Themes
* I like the "Cupertino Blue" theme. Looks a lot like OS X Mail
* They have some built-in, but you can also tap 'Install More' to browse others
* If you're technically inclined you can also access the "Theme" editor and tweak themes and save your own.
* 1Password, "Launch 1Password" integration.
V Pocket
* I have Pocket for OS X and iOS, but use it exclusively on my iPad
* This is where I do all my video watching and long form reading.
* This is where I get a lot of my ideas for opinion and commentary segments
V Pocket has the option to 'archive' read content, but for the most part I remove articles after reading.
* Tap and hold the archive "check" icon in the iPad interface to get the 'Delete' option
V I browse the 'Articles' and 'Video' views separately
* To me they are different experiences.
* I usually have my OmniOutliner or ByWord show note file open so I can take any notes as I read.
V What's great about Pocket is that it integrates with so many other apps and it has the Safari 'bookmarklet'
* I do try to tag items going into Pocket when I have an option.
* I'll also star and tag articles that I want to come back to and do more research on.
V Gathering the feedback
V GMail
* I access all my GMail using or Mail in iOS
* I never use the web interface.
V As mail comes in I reply. If there is something I want to cover on the show I flag it with a 'Red' flag and also add it to a 'Next Maccast' IMAP folder.
* Recently I started using Dave Sparks add the folder to the Mail Tool bar trick. Less dragging.
* On iOS the interface for 'Move' is a lot better since you are "in-context"
* If there is an associated audio file that get's put into an 'audio' folder in the show folder
V Another tip, also prompted by Dave Sparks eMail book, is Sanebox (now a Maccast sponsor)
* Pre-filters the inbox from newsletter, PR emails, etc.
* If I can't reply immediately or need some time to research a topic before replying I can use the 'Automatic follow-up reminders' (1 day, 1 week, etc.)
V TextExpander
* Another key to the dealing with volumes of email puzzle
* I have shortcuts for common questions and replies.
* Basically if I find myself making the same reply, or basically the same reply, a second time I create a TextExpander snippet for it.
V Optional sections and fill-ins are key for dynamic information
* "What episode did you talk about?" for example I have a URL fill-in.
* Can also personalize.
* Optional sections let me add more, or less, detail as needed.
V Chain snippets
* Opening
* Response
* Closing
V Google Voice
* This is a great tool because of the transcripts. Not great, but enough to get the gist of if it needs a reply before the show.
* Download the audio file to the show folder
* Biggest downside (or upside depending on your view) is a 3 min limit.
V Skype
* For almost every group podcast I am ever on.
* I also use it to stay connected during the day
* I use my studio mic and headphones.
V Audio Hijack Pro
* This is my main tool for capturing Skype Interviews
* I basically use the Skype preset and record all audio to a single channel
* I use the "Monomizer" filter in the filter chain to create a mono AIFF audio file.
V Levelator
* Discontinued in 2012, but still works in Mountain Lion at least.
* Every recording outside GarageBand gets filtered through this.
V Writing the notes
V ByWord
* Great because it's cross device and I can use Dropbox or iCloud for keeping in sync
* When I'm working in ByWord I'm still mostly outlining so lists are key
V Some cool shortcuts I learned from Brett Terpstra's awesome blog are key
* Command + Option + Up - selects the word your insertion point is currently in. Press again and it selects the line
* Command+Control+Up or Command+Control+Down will move a line up or down in the list order. Don't need a selection, just have the insertion bar on the line you want to move
* When on a line that's a list item, press Command+Shift+L to toggle between bullet and numbered list formatting. Good to quickly toggle back and forth and renumber a numbered list after moving things around.
* I like to use Marked and the GitHub theme when I'm actually recording the show
V OmniOutliner Pro
* This is the main app I am now using to compose show notes on my Mac and in iOS
V I use the OmniSync service to keep my documents in sync when I'm working in a show.
* This gets moved to a local folder on my Mac when I do the show.
* The level styles are the key for formatting
V Being able to grab entire sections to re-organize the flow of the show is great.
* Often a topic might make sense to go with or near another topic.
* Create a separate column for links
V Closing
* Thanks for listening
* Call in 1-281-622-4269
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