Opening Music
Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
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The Amigos
Prepping your Apple devices for their "afteryourlife"
The Death of iAd
Apple getting rid of sales staff
No longer taking new App Developers into program
Removing ad supported radio stations
New tech from the holidays (or recently)
Get anything cool for Christmas?
or just something new you like
What's up with it?
Macstock 2016
I'll be attending and presenting at Macstock this year.
The event happens July 16th and 17th in Woodstock, IL
There's a great line up of speakers from throughout the Apple community.
Victor Cajiao - Terratech Podcast
Melissa Davis - The Mac Mommy
Chuck Joiner - Mac Voices
Don McAllister - Screencasts Online
Allison Sheridan - Nosillacast Podcast
And more…
The event will also coincide with the 2nd annual Midwest Mac BBQ hosted by Barry Fulk. It's actually part of the conference this year, so included in the price of admission
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Gazelle. The fast and simple way to sell your used gadgets! Find out what your used iPhone, iPad and other Apple products are worth at Gazelle.com.
Bandwidth for the Maccast provided by CacheFly at cachefly.com
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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