Maccast 2016.05.25 - Interview with Rene Ritchie
- Really excited to have Eero as anew sponsor
- If you have a traditional wi-fi router in your home you know all to well it’s deficiencies
- Like haveing to constantly reset it
- Having wi-fi dead zones
- Trying to use range extenders just adds to the compexity and gives you another failure point
- Eero is a wi-fi system that is designed to take away those hassles
- They built a simple and elegant box, each unit about the size of an Apple TV, that replaces your existing wi-fi router.
- And because it’s a “system” multiple Eero’s can be used together to create a “mesh” network that can blanket all areas of your house with fast reliable wi-fi coverage
- And set up couldn’t be easier
- They sent me a set to try out.
- Plug in, connect to your ISP modem via Ethernet, and use the Andorid or iOS app to set things up.
- The step by step plug in other Eero’s to cover all areas of your house. A siungle Erro can ciover up to 1000 sq ft.
- I had my house set up and covered in about 10 minutes.
- Once your set up it’s a self maintaining system
- Software updates are installed automaically overnight. Great for security and performance updates
- You can easily enable a Guset network and send share the guest login via email
- Great tech support and a 30-day money back guarantee
- Visit to checkout the product and when you purchase select overnight shipping and the enter the code MACCAST to make it free!
- Check out the new TextExpander.
- Imagine never typing the same email address, chunk of code, brand message, directions or data more than once. Store them in a snippet — a shortcut you create.
- Use the power of fill-in-the-blank snippets to customize common responses.
- Share groups of snippets with others, expand your common knowledge, and keep them current together.
- Create different snippet groups to share with different users
- Friends, work collegues, family
- When you update a snippet everyone in the group gets the update.
- TextExpander includes apps for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Windows (currently in beta). You’ll have all of your snippets on all your devices all the time.
- Life Hacker subscriptions cost US $40 per year and include all the apps and the TextExpander sharing service; upgrade discounts for registered TextExpander users
- New Team subscriptions are available and include organization-focused snippet and team management, detailed access control, consolidated billing, and more
- Boost your productivity and learn more at:
- Rene Ritchie, Editor-in-Chief of iMore and Executive Editor of Mobile Nations
- Background
- How did you become involved with the Apple community
- History at/of iMore
- iPhone - After iPhone
- iPhone 7
- Is the camera system the big feature Tim eluded to in his Kramer interview?
- Storage options 16/64/256
- Smart Connector?
- Wireless Charging
- No Headphone connector
- What’s your take on the future of iPhone in general?
- Switch to OLED.
- iPhone SE, more popular than Apple expected?
- Move back to all glass design?
- China and India
- iPhone 3% marketshare loss in China (Gartner)
- India 30% sourcing norm to sell products
- Denied exemption based on products being “cutting-edge technology”
- iPad & iPad Pro
- Is there a “next step”?
- Your take on the Post PC era?
- Macs
- Similarly what happens to our “trucks” as Steve called them?
- Macbook line
- OLED Touchbar rumor
- Desktops/Mac Pro
- Longer upgrade cycles.
- TouchID for Mac?
- Apple Watch - Apple Watch Review on Year Later
- What’s your take on Apple Pay?
What’s next?
- New retail stores
- Apple’s future
- Siri and voice control. Is Apple falling behind (Google Home, Amazon Echo)? Will Apple do it’s own hardware device?
- Security and Encryption. The hired back Jon Callas, Silent Circle, Blackphone, and PGP
- Services (TV, iCloud, Music, etc.)
- VR, Augmented Reality, AI
- Is this something for Apple to pursue?
- Apple Car - Can a car drive the future of Apple culture and technology?
- Anything else?
- Podcast at iMore
- The new Apple Talk podcast
- Anything else