All Lithium Ion Batteries, so same rules apply across devices.
Apple's Battery Page
New Devices
Charge to full before the first use.
Charge Cycles
Fast charge to 80%, then trickle.
A cycle is draining and refilling the battery 100%
Doesn't have to happen all at once. A 50% drain and then charge to 100% is a half a cycle. Next time that is done it becomes a full cycle.
Apple rates their battery life as # of full cycles a battery can go through
Important to note that they consider at number to where the battery can retain 80% of it's original charge capacity.
Better to keep the battery cycling than at either end of the extreme. Plugged in all the time is not the best
Apple recommends at least one charge cycle per month.
Avoid extremes
Over charging or letting a battery sit undercharged for log periods is bad.
If you need to store a battery do so at 50%
Deep discharge state can render incapable of holding a charge
Stored fully charged for a long period could result in some capacity loss.
Temperature is important too.
Air flow. Heat is bad. Stored in a case or sleeve? Take out for charging.
Battery life
2-3 years under normal usage conditions
Results will vary depending on use and environment factors
Dispose of batteries properly
Swelling if extreme discharge or overcharging occurs
Li-ion Polymer batteries generate gas when under or over charged.
My Story about the Macbook Pro Battery
Battery Replacement
AppleCare covers batteries against defect, but not capacity loss in most cases
iPods and iPhones that loose more than 50% of their capacity while under Applecare are covered. Not notebooks
iPod battery replacements by Apple range from $40 to $79
iPad replacements by Apple are $99 and iPhones are $79
Older notebooks have replaceable batteries most around $129
Newer sealed battery models are $129 for 13" and 15" models. $179 for 17" models. includes services
Most in-store replacements can happen same day. Mail in 3-5 days.
3rd party services and batteries
OWC, TechRestore
iFixit for DIY guides
System Profiler
Apple menu --> About this Mac
Under Hardware-->Power
Charge information
Full charge capacity and Full Charge remaining in mAh. Doesn't show original rated capacity.
Health Information including Cycle count and Condition
iStat (iSlayer)
iBatt USD $19.00
coconutBattery (free) - please donate
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