I often see or hear people complaining that Spotlight is "broken".
I happen to be a big fan of Spotlight and I think on the whole it works fairly well.
I also think that some of the "broken" things that people encounter can be fixed with a little more advanced knowledge of how Spotlight works and some of the tricks you can use to find things and make your result more relevant.
Spotlight Menubar
Typically clicking on a result opens that item, but what if you want to open the folder containing that items to see where it is in the Finder?
Hit Command + Enter on the highlighted file in Spotlight to open it’s location in a new Finder window.
Use Command+I on a highlighted item to get info on it right from Spotlight result
In Lion you can drag item directly out of the results
Drop directly onto an app in the dock to open in that app
Drag out to make a copy of that file (notice the "+" icon)
Hold Command+Option to create an Alias
In Lion, you get the preview when you hover, but it has it's own tricks
If you press and hold the Command key it will pop-up the Preview of the Top Hit
Hold down the command key to get a scrolling list of additional info at the bottom of the preview window
Path to file
Matched metadata information
Press Command-Option to see the path instantly.
Some file types can have interaction
Contact field labels can be clicked (just like in Address Book) for additional info
Spotlight Finder Window
Accessed from the Finder, using Command+F or Option+Command+Space from anywhere
You can change this setting in System Preferences > Spotlight
Set the 'Spotlight Window Keyboard Shortcut'
Top of the Window offer 3 search locations
This Mac (default), the current folder or volume you initiated the search from, and I have the 'Shared' folder
Click the small + button right next to “Save”, you can add additional search parameters.
File kind: Here you can select the kind of file you are looking for. This allows you to, for example, specifically search for PDF files only
Last opened date: This is the time the file was last opened/read
Last modified date: This is the time the file was last written and therefore changed
Created date: This is the time the file was initially created
Name: This is the file name only
Contents: These are the contents of the file itself, which is particularly helpful for text documents such as PDFs or Word files.
Other…: a large list of other options
You can scroll through the list or search
The "In Menu" checkbox allows you to add you frequently used parameters to the main list
Two very useful ones I think are 'System files' and 'File visibility'
You can add additional search parameters by clicking the "+" button
Hold the alt key, you will see that the + button turned into an ellipsis (…), then you can add boolean style parameters. Options are Any, All, or None of the conditions are met.
General search query tips
Typing words will search for ALL of those words by default.
You can require exact matches to multiple words or a phrase by using enclosing quotes
Boolean keyword operators are also supported AND, OR, NOT. Typed in upper case. You can use parenthesis to group them
adding a "-" without a space in front of a term just like 'NOT;
Going Meta
Metadata keywords are the key to Spotlight searching power
There are 125 and growing and learning some of these will help you a lot.
The basic syntax is: AttributeType:attribute
The attribute type can often be guessed by looking at the Get Info on a file and specifically the 'More Info' section.
Pretty much any term you see listed there could be used as a AttributeType. Just type it all lowercase with no spaces followed by the ":"
There is also a great PDF document at hints.macworld.com
Some helpful metadata keywords
image, PDF, message or email, event, contact
You can use terms like "today","yesterday","this week", or dates and date ranges (i.e. 2010-2011)
from: or to:
You can combine these to create some powerful results
kind:contact name:[Persons Name]
kind:jpeg width:600
kind:email date:"this week" from:[email address]
Super Nerdy Command Line Stuff
Open up Terminal. Applications > Utilities > Terminal
mdfind command to search
Type 'mdfind 'search term' and hit enter
If you need to exit the results before they finish hit Control+C
Of course you can do all the command line goodies like piping results of searches, etc.
There are several options of course, but a helpful one is '-onlyin [folder]' restricts the search to that specific folder.
Rebuild Spotlight index
Apple's way:
From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
Click Spotlight.
Click the Privacy tab.
Drag a folder or even an entire volume (your hard drive) to the list.
Remove the item or volume you just added.
From the Terminal use the command:
sudo mdutil -E /
Then enter your admin password. It will take a moment and then return: "Indexing enabled. "
After that you should see the Spotlight Indexing animation in the menu bar.