The MacCast » Follow-up

My hosting woes continue…

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Follow-up, Podcast

Well guess I’m batting 1,000 in the bad luck department. Just as I get my hosting issues resolved and finally push out a new show, starts having issues. You see I actually have 2 hosting companies. hosts this site, but beacuse of the large amount of bandwidth required for my podcast the MP3 and AAC files for the show are served up by Libsyn. Just after I posted todays show the emails started. Some of you are reporting getting 404 errors and are unable to access the show. My first thought was, “Oh no, here we go again”, but in checking the new GoDaddy dedicated server everything seems to be humming along just fine. So then I chek the Libsyn support blogand see this message, “Sunday Update On Network OverloadIt looks like we are still experiencing overload on parts of our network. The connections are swamping the media nodes and this is causing the 404s you may be experiencing”. Well I guess Sunday has rolled into Monday and the issue is still not resolved. Wholy dung beetle Batman! Sorry for all the trouble folks. The errors appear to be pretty widespread, but some of will luck out an might actually get the show (I was able to downlaod both the MP3 and ACC editions right after I uploaded them). Please DO NOT harass Libsyn about this issue. They are well aware and working to fix it. They don’t need a bunch of email distracting them from the task at hand. Dave and the guys over there are good friends of the show and have always been outstanding. I will update you as soon as I have more info.

Use Windows Upgrade with Boot Camp

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Follow-up

Listener Jonathan has a post on his blog describing the process he used to get Boot Camp running up and running using a Windows XP updgrade disk. Apple claims it can’t be done and I can’t confirm it, but there it is.

Apple Tesco UK Mini Store Pic

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Follow-up

Apple Tesco Mini StoreOK. So my UK listeners are giving me quite an education of Tesco in the UK. Most tell me that Tesco was the most profitable supermarket retailer in the world last year beating out WalMart. Tesco is first and foremost a Supermarket and sells food, but they have been expanding. Now there are 3 types of Tesco stores: Tesco: These are medium to large size stores and sell mostly food with a very limited electrical section. Tesco Extra: These are the flagship stores. These stores sell almost everything. Food, clothing, DVDs, some computer accessories etc. The Extra stores would be the most likely ones to get Apple Mini stores. Tesco Express: These are the smallest of the stores, mainly situated on housing estates, they operate very much like a corner shop. Apple did a small test of the Mini store concept and listener Nik sent in the picture above from the Milton Keynes store. If you have any picts of an Apple Tesco Mini store send them in and I will add them to the gallery. Thanks to everyone who emailed and educated me on Tesco.

Interview with the Digital Fusions Podcast

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Follow-up, Podcast

Digital FusionsAs eluded to on todays (10/27) show, I have been doing several interviews lately. This one was kind of more a special co-host gig and there were some slight technical difficulties with my iBook battery dying in the middle of recording. Thanks to Jared and Nick for having me on.

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