The MacCast » daylite

Maccast 2008.03.20 – Macworld 2008 Marketcircle

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Macworld 2008, Podcast

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MC20080320SP_02.mp3 [14.4MB 0:15:44 128kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. I talk with AJ from Marketcircle about the fallout from his now infamous “Apple should keep out of the enterprise” blog post. We discuss how it was sensationalized by the blogs and online community and get to the real intent behind the piece. We also discuss Marketcircle’s latest product updates to Daylite and Billings, plus touch on AJ’s thoughts on Apple’s new Macbook Air.

Marketcircle Blog
Billings 2

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