The MacCast » imac

Maccast 2009.03.07

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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MC20090307.mp3 [44.4MB 01:36:48 64kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 258. Airport Extreme and Time Capsule updates. New Mac Minis. New iMacs. New Mac Pro. Macbook Pro update. Hinges failing on Macbook Airs. Apple keeps inventory low. Improving fuzzy external monitors. GUI for Safari 4 hidden preferences. Kindle Book Reader for iPhone and iPod Touch. Review: EOS Wireless Speaker System. Macworld 2009: Filemaker. Pricey Apple RAM, why? Sharing files in Leopard.

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Faronics Audible
Faronics Deep Freeze – Get your free audiobook.

New music, No Excuses by We Are The Audience

EOL: iScream, you scream…

In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.— Paul Harvey

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