The MacCast » lore

Maccast Members 174 – I am Fanboi hear my lore

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Maccast Members, Podcast

Maccast Members

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 174. – The news of Greg Christie’s pending retirement from Apple sparked off a debate this past week. 9to5 Mac broke the story and very quickly other stories surfaced to refute some of the “facts” from 9to5’s sources. So, that got me thinking about how Apple’s history gets shaped, formed, and molded. How much is fact and how much is pure storytelling? Does it matter? Ken Ray (Mac OS Ken & Mission Log) joins me to talk about the history, fact, fiction, lore, and legends we create about Apple.

Maccast Members
The audio for this episode is available to Maccast Members. Sign-up or log in by visiting the Maccast Member site.