The MacCast » mobile me

Maccast 2008.07.24

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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MC20080724.mp3 [77.9MB 01:25:04 128kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 233. iPhone 3G is cheaper, has complaints, and is in short supply. iPhone 2.0 feeling a little more like public beta for some. Update for older iPod Touches. iPhone 3G unlocks and jailbreaks released. Apple apologizes for Mobile Me, offers penance. Apple’s second quarter growth takes it to #3 in the US. Apple 3rd Quarter earnings call. New Macbooks soon? Quad core of iLife updates. 3 New iPhone ads posted. Microsoft and Ubuntu look for more Mac like experiences. Why isn’t TimeMachine talked about more? Fixing Time Capsule backup kernel panics. iPhone 3G calendar color fix. Auto open disk images on mount. Dusting off your Mac. Hack your way to .Me almost push. Should we give our Mac preventative medicine? Be careful with App Store purchases. iPhone 2.0 screenshots built-in.

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Circus Ponies Smile on My Mac
Circus Ponies – Free 30-day Trial of Notebook
Smile on My Mac, check out Happy 5th Birthday!

New music, With My Freeze Ray by Dr. Horrible

I have a PhD in horribleness — Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (2008)

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