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Maccast 2008.11.23

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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MC20081123.mp3 [32.8MB 01:11:38 64kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 245. Mac OS 10.5.6 release may be soon. Will we see a new cat in the new year? What new hardware will Macworld bring? Apple should weather December. New Macbooks using DPCP. Apple discontinues 23″ Cinema Display. Updates, updates, updates. Apple TV updated to 2.3. iPhone updated to 2.2. More malware and trojans target Apple. Mac Mini Home Theater Special Feedback. Syncing Firefox bookmarks to iPhone Review: Choosy. Mac web development tools. Home Inventory software for your Mac. Simple personal banking software.

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Project Wizards Smile on My Mac
Wizard 2 – Merlin is professional-grade project management application software designed specifically for the Macintosh operating system. Written using the latest Apple technology for Mac OS X, Merlin’s rich feature set and intuitive tools allow you to focus on your work, not the software.
Smile on My Mac, check out DiscLabel

New music, “Massachusetts by The Predicates (iTunes)

EOL: Real World Photoshop CS4 UI (Link)

Oooh! Look at her! I could use a love potion on her! — Willow (1988)

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