Interview with Mr. MacGeek Podcast

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Guest Appearance

mrmacgeek.pngRecently I had the opportunity to do an interview with a couple of teen podcasters. Brandon and Erik are the hosts of the Mr. Mac Geek Podcast and they are probably some of the most articulate and well prepared teen podcasters I have encountered. For my episode we got together and discussed all the recent announcements at MacWorld 2006. There were some slight audio glitches due to Skype, but overall I think it is an episode many would enjoy. Check it out over on

There are 6 comments on Interview with Mr. MacGeek Podcast:

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  1. craigeth | Jan 17 2006 - 09:50

    i think this was great. how old are these kids? they are more prepared and more mature than the other guys who interviewed adam. jared and nick of digital fusion could learn a thing or two from these kids. the only thing they need to work on is the initial intro. and the sound quality.

    you guys need to introduce yourself a bit better. and any guests you have on as well. but well done none the less. kudos to you guys, you’re an inspiration. p.s. good idea with the presentations for your parents to buy you new stuff. *thumbs up*

  2. Jerom | Jan 18 2006 - 08:57

    I don’t really know where to add this comment, but since you discussed the new iMac in this podcast I tought I would post it here.

    Has anyone else noticed dat appleworks is not included with the new iMacs anymore? And since iWork has not been updated with a spreadsheet (and it does not come for free anyway), this means the “everything you basically need is there out of the box”-feeling associated with apple we all know and love is a little diminished.

    I know a trial of MS-office and iWork is included, but there is no real spreadsheet present. (I bought the previous version of iWork, and love it, and will buy the next one as well… but what about spreadsheets?)


  3. Erik M. | Jan 18 2006 - 09:44

    Well actually “these kids” are twelve and thirteen. We usually have better quality but for some reason Skype freaked out on us and we got some weird echos. I’m glad to hear you liked it, we’re hoping we can get some more listeners : D.

  4. craigeth | Jan 19 2006 - 07:03

    haha sorry if ‘these kids’ offended you.

  5. Erik M. | Jan 19 2006 - 07:00

    No it’s fine, just thought it was kind of funny.

  6. Rob | Jan 20 2006 - 11:09

    I totally agree i have listened to this podcast for a long time now and now personally know brandon and erik they are really good . Audio is a problem in a few but you can still tell everything they say !