
Download today’s show here! MC20231112.mp3 [32.5MB 00:58:37 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 880. New M3 Macs. Apple 2023 Q4 earnings results. Apple goes bug hunting. Vision Pro sneak peek. iPad updates planned for 2024. External disk cataloging. USB-C Dock vs Hub. More Time Machine space. Cha cha changes.
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Adam, I am so happy for you for making your big decision. I’ve been listening to The Maccast since I first stumbled across podcasts on my 30gb iPod Classic, around 16 or 17 years ago. I retired in July after working more than 44 years as a pharmacist, so I certainly understand making that “big decision.”
And yes, I look forward to hearing your voice over at MGG, where I’ve been an occasional premium subscriber.
Good luck and best wishes for a wonderful future!
Ken Berger
Philadelphia, PA
Hi Adam,
Been a listener from the start. Will really miss the routine of the podcast, the insights and hints and tips you share I won’t ever find anywhere else, but I appreciate life moves on…
Thanks for the dedication over the 19 years! That’s a damn good innings whatever sport you play :)
Dubai UAE/Edinburgh Scotland.
A big THANK YOU to you and the Maccast!! 19 years…what an accomplishment!!
Hi Adam,
Thanks for great podcas. 19 years, producing alone podcast, there sure has been lot of work. So BIG thanks! :)
Adam, I’ve been a subscriber since early 2005 and have listened to every episode you’ve put out. The MacCast has been a constant source of interest, information and entertainment through that whole time.
I’m glad you’ve taken the decision to do what you feel is right for you and your family. I wish you all the best for the future.
19 years of a great podcast! Thanks for all I’ve learned over the years. And I’m looking at this positively. Now my two favorite Mac podcasts, MacCast and MacGeekGab, are combined into one!
Just finished listening to the episode (I’m a bit behind!).
I can totally understand your decision, and it’s absolutely the right one for you – family and personal circumstances should always take priority.
I think I discovered the MacCast probably 15 years ago. While I’m sad to see the show wrap up this year, I’m really pleased that you will continue to be around in the Mac podcast community, and I look forward to subscribing to MacGeekGab and trying out a new show.
A big, big thank you for all you’ve done over the last 19 years, and I wish you all the best!
Thank you Adam. It has been a bast. Listened since day 1. Thank you for your dedication and I wish you every success with your next venture.
Kind Regards
Hello. I live in the uk and know nothing about South Dakota. You mentioned there’s no Apple Store there. How is that even possible? Why wouldn’t Apple put a retail store in at least every state? In England, many towns have an Apple retail store. Is it an Amish state or something ?
I’m hugely disappointed that you are ending the show. I will definitely listen at the mac geek gab. I fondly remember WHC podcastt with Jeff Gamet and Michael Johnstone.
What if we were all to dig deep? Could we get you back to California (if you like) and back doing maccast full time ? Or even part time? Or perhaps you need to retire or do family stuff
Your news, analysis, tips and tricks and advice over the years has been life changing. You and John Gruber have been my go to for detailed esoteric knowledge and insight. I appreciate everything you’ve done. I wish you and your family the best in the future
If enough of us joined your Patreon at $5 a month could you stay with the show? I’m so sad to see it end. It’s like the end of an era. I recall a comment on this website from someone saying how appreciative he was to have a top flight guru or instructor to take us through the news etc.
Adam, you must do whatever is best for your mental health and wellbeing. There are many Mac podcasters — you are the best. I skip episodes from other shows but not this one — it’s on my level. You’ve given me so much knowledge over the years.
Adam, thank you for this amazing podcast. I have been a listener since 2008 and I have not found a better Apple podcast. I wish you all the best for the future.
All good things come to an end. Although it is sad to see you move on I can completely understand your decision to do so. I have been a loyal listener for about 15 years. How time flies! Turn the page and know you’ve done something truly amazing for the community here. Thank you for all you’ve done here. Looking forward to hearing you on MGG.
Happy Holidays and Happy Trails my friend.