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Maccast 2008.09.09 – Let’s Rock

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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MC20080809.mp3 [72.3MB 01:18:56 128kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 237. Wrap-up of Apple’s “Ready to Rock” event. New iPod Classic. New iPod Nanos. New earbuds. New iPod Touch. New iPod Shuffle colors. iTunes 8. iPhone/iPod Touch 2.1 software update. iPhone Security Flaw Confirmed. Fix coming. First Vista Seinfeld ad airs. Apple finally acknowledges father of the media player. Can Pystar win against Apple? Non-apple iPhone apps don’t launch, what’s up? The 9:41 vs. 9:42 iPhone discrepancy. Use Mail “Stationary” to spruce up emails. Reset iPod warnings Review: Koi Pond for iPhone/iPod Touch. Mac making unusual chimes at start up. Speeds on the Macs USB buses. External drives, bus powered or not?

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Faronics Power Save Mac – Faronics Power Save Mac uses intelligent power management to ensure workstations are saving energy and money when they are not being used.

New music, You Don’t Need and iPod by Uncle Seth

EOL: Mac Vader Pro

There’s always work at the post office. — Hollywood Shuffle (1987)

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Maccast 2008.05.30

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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MC20080530.mp3 [62.5MB 01:08:10 128kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 228. 3G iPhone news and rumors continue. iTunes movies and TV shows in France, UK and Canada. Macbook updates may be delayed. 10.5.3 Update. More Apple Software Updates. Apple readies Back to School Promo. Apple filming at NYC store. Safari Exploit could give you a cluttered desktop. Is .Mac due for a name change?. Sun offers Open Source VM Solution for Mac. Safari bookmark printing. Rebuild your Address Book search index. Re-installing apps after a OS X re-install. Auto backup a Flash Drive. The amazing disappearing hard drive. Building a bridge to solve drive issues. Slow mouse, curves ahead. Mail image attachments as icons, not inline. No Maccast Loop this Sunday 6/3.

EOL: Lux, multitouch OS X

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Circus Ponies Audible
Circus Ponies – Free 30-day Trial of Notebook – Free audio book

New muisc, One by Shawn Z

I hate kids. They’re barely human. — Mighty Ducks, The (1992)

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Maccast 2007.11.30

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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MC20071130.mp3 [27.8MB 01:00:38 64kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 208. Apple’s expanding retail empire. More security chinks in Leopard armor. Apple acknowledges MacBook drive failures. Orange brings iPhone to France. AT&T exec says 3G iPhone in 2008. Malcor hack is a Hoax. I finally got Back to My Mac working! Applications to “tinker” with OS X. Finding QuickTime for Windows from a Mac. Syncing notes from the iPhone, sort of. Putting the hierarchy back in the Leopard Dock. Stop iPhone from launching iPhoto. Accessing menubar items, file menus, and Dock from keyboard. Fixing QuickLook folder deficiency. Decorate your Dashboard for the Holidays.

New music, Cool Collected Calm by One:Day:Life [iTunes]

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Circus PoniesGadget Locker
Circus Ponies – Free 30-day Trial of Notebook
The Gadget Locker – Save up to 20% on select items.

Your French relatives are bathing in the toilet. — Just Visiting (2001)

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