MacCast 08.12.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050812.mp3 [23.5mb 51:15 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 81. Apple poaching Sony engineers to help build first Xtel laptops, Apple will refund Canadian “iPod tax” money, speculation on 5th generation iPod Specs, Apple fails to get iPod software patent, Microsoft Messenger for Mac 5.0 released, Microsoft is targeting iPod for the Holidays, get subway maps for your iPod, Japanese artist defies label to get on iTunes, new version of BBEdit released as Universal Binary, Apple OS X for Intel, reported hacked to run on non-Apple, Dvorak sees a world with OS X on the average PC, Apple releases PowerBook G4 Graphics update, rumor that Apple has scraped new “switcher” ads and Apple has updated the “Switcher” web site. MacCast interview on Tired Thumbs, cut in Finder tip followup, leaving your Mac on overnight can clear up a lot of issues, launching GarageBand can fix Windows Media issues and searching for the MacCast the lost archives. New music, Wednesday Morning by Slackstring
Vote for Pedro
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MacCast 08.11.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050811.mp3 [4.0mb 08:36 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Things have been crazy, do this is a short show, but contains a great product review from the guys at A new show will also be out tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and remember to vote at
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Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050808SP.mp3 [25.8mb 56:13 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. A special edition of the MacCast. My interview with Amber MacArthur co-host and producer of the popular vid-cast Command-N, as well as Call for Help and Gadgets and Gizmos on G4/TechTV in Canada.
Thanks to The Colmination for helping get this interview set up.
Shownotes & Links (thanks Mitch!)
Interview with Amber
Amber’s Past: How she ended up on G4TechTV
Amber’s Mac life and her take on Macs
Windows Vista
Amber’s favorite Mac apps:
Yellow Mug Software
9rules Network
MacCast 08.06.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050806.mp3 [16.9mb 36:56 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 78. Apple launches the iTunes Music Store Japan, Amazon may be planning a digital music service, “Trusted Computing” technology not in current OS X Intel developer systems, Apple defines bloggers as “unhealthy”, Sony PS3 UK website hints of OS X support on console and Steve Jobs to deliver Apple Expo keynote in Paris. Mighty Mouse hands on review, more information on uninstalling Apple apps, “Podcaches” Promo, how to move files with “cut” in the OS X Finder, listener review of RapidWeaver. eMacCast delays, sorry. Mac music and audio production related sites, communities and podcasts, listener review of QuickSilver and my interview with Amber MacArthur is happening this Sunday. New music, Heidi by The Bombhappies.
I would never lie. I willfully participated in a campaign of misinformation.
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New iMac and the 2 hour line
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Listener Steve ( took advantage of a tax free day for computers, clothes and school supplies in Missouri.
Is a new Mac store opening?
Are they just now releasing Tiger in the Midwest?
Are they giving away Ipods? Well actually yes but only to teachers.
This weekend is a tax free holiday in Missouri, for computers, clothes and school supplies. Looks like everyone was using it to buy Macs.
Inside the Mighty Mouse
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
You didn’t do this mouse dissection in biology class. This is so cool. If you want to get a great look on what makes the new Mighty Mouse tick, head over and checkout this great article on ArsTechnica. Head over and read the full article, it gives more gruesome picts and all the gory details.
Here are some pics of the Apple Retail Store opening at The Woodlands, Texas
Special thanks to listeners Charlie and Eugene for sending these in.
A Brief and Warped History of the Mac, part 6 (in which the Mac rocks)
By Rick Tanner
Welcome back to my column – I imagine that many readers will be wondering when this insight into the past of the Mac will end – well this is the final part of the saga. The story flows much like Star Wars if you’ll allow me to recap with a strained analogy.
The first part of our story was the discovery of computers and the growth of Apple computers with the Apple II. Next came the action packed ordeal of developing the Mac, but this ended in the sad loss of one of the Mac’s parents – Steve Jobs. No clones though, they didn’t attack quite yet.
By part three, things had gone seriously pear-shaped with Apple doomed to financial and technological purgatory.
In part four, a New Hope was revived with the purchase of NeXT. Last week, I covered the story of how Apple took that and rebuilt the Mac OS – and this is largely where the analogy falls down – no-one gets their hand cut off. However, The Mac Strikes Back would be a fitting title for that section.
But in this final part we will see how the story unfolds up to now and word count allowing, even ponder the future. This is the story of the triumphant Return of the Mac.
Continue Reading »
MacCast 08.03.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050803.mp3 [17.4mb 38:02 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 79. Apple releases the Mighty Mouse, HP discontinues iPod sales, Apple using DRM to prevent OS X Intel on non-Apple hardware, Mac OS 10.4.3 seeded to Feeder 1.2 with iTunes Podcasting support, judge stops Georgia schools purchase of 63,000 iBooks, more Apple retail store opening this weekend and Apple expands iPod Trademark to include video. More Follow-up on iPod -36 errors, using Macs in your business environment, a rant on restrictive software authentication schemes, how to uninstall Mac applications and strange tales of iTunes, converting tapes to CD. New music, Waste Another Night by My Little Radio
Autobots, transform… And roll out!
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Correction: I just received my new Mighty Mouse (awesome BTW) and it turns out the side buttons work by squeezing the mouse and are both assigned to the same action. So it looks like it is a 4-button and not a 5-button mouse. Listen for a full review on the next MacCast!
So this is a really horrible case of bad timing. I recorded the new show and it is ready to go. Just when I am ready to give it to you, I see an email from Libsyn saying they are transitioning and upgrading their servers on August 1st and 2nd. In testing right now, I see the servers are moving really slowly. I can’t even get the new show to download most of the time and in one case, when it finally did start to download the show, several seconds were missing from the beginning of the show. I think I am going to wait a couple of hours to see if they can get stuff sorted out. I am really afraid if f I update the feed now many of you won’t get the show and that would be awful. The new show is coming, please be patient.
Update: (1:00 PM PST 08/03/2005) I think Libsyn is still having issues, but I cannot wait any longer. I am going to go ahead and update the feed. Sorry in advance to anyone who has issues with the download. Please don’t swamp me with email saying there are issues. I already know. thanks.