WWDC Keynote Video is up.

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: News

sjwwdc.jpgI am probably a bit late on this, but it looks like the video for the Keynote is now available. You can watch it here.

There are 11 comments on WWDC Keynote Video is up.:

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  1. jcavins | Aug 07 2006 - 03:15

    Why can’t I view the Jobs keynote? I have Quicktime 7.1.2 but it acts like its perpetually loading. I had this problem with the January address also. Any thoughts?

  2. Ronnie | Aug 07 2006 - 05:14

    I had the same problem. This is due to a high traffic in the servers.
    I had to wait about 10 minutes for it to start playing after I clicked the “Watch the keynote address” button.

  3. macDude88 | Aug 07 2006 - 05:36

    at least you can get through..i’m stuck with a static screen saying too many viewers.

  4. Chuck A. Spear | Aug 07 2006 - 10:30

    Thanks for all your updates Adam.

  5. Abram | Aug 07 2006 - 11:54

    All I got was a message with the wwdc label saying that they’re servers were overloaded.
    I really want to watch the keynote.

  6. steve | Aug 08 2006 - 02:02

    I don’t know why it just have the video and no sound at all,and the video can not be called as a video,it is just like some pictures playing very very slowly.

  7. olly | Aug 08 2006 - 02:16

    Help I get a 401 unauthorised error

  8. tom | Aug 08 2006 - 07:16

    Did anyone notice that Steve has lost a lot of weight?

  9. Larry | Aug 08 2006 - 08:54

    Does anyone know of a link to download the MP3 file for iPod viewing?

  10. maccast | Aug 08 2006 - 09:49

    Apple generally does not allow for downloading of Keynote speeches. You may be able to find someone who captured and covnverted it. I think if Apple was smart they would be selling the Keynote for USD$0.99 on the iTunes Music Store.

  11. cavanaughphoto | Aug 08 2006 - 01:40


    I noticed that he has lost a lot of weight as well. His weright loss and the fact that a lot of the presentation is done by other Apple employees kinds makes you wonder about his health.