MacCast 03.16.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!
MC20050316.mp3 [17.3mb (37:47) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 38. Apple joins Blu-ray Disc Association Board of Directors, Apple may be increasing standard RAM to 512MB, finally a two button Apple Mouse? Apple to introduce updates to AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express, Steve gets his annual $1 salary, the reason for iTunes Mototrola phone delay, new Tiger build sent out, Apple responds to G4 trackpad issues. Visit Freeverse for great games. Listener ask how to schedule email sending in Entourage, more answers to Linksys Router DHCP issue, update on Mac Mini Apple VGA display issues, answer to keeping iTunes Library focus when attaching iPod, listener wants to know how to keep Podcasts organized, issues with bookmarkable AAC files and 4G iPods. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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Featured Music: This I Know, Stone Melodies
MacCast 03.14.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!
MC20050314.mp3 [15.7mb (34:21) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 37. Apple in Talks with HipSolve Media, DOOM 3 for Mac Ships, iPod Shuffle Rip Off. Apple weighs legal options, Apple Hires former Microsoft Exec. Listener Peter’s song Shows power of GarageBand And Soundtrack, Jeroen recommends iScroll 2 for trackpad scrolling on pre 2005 iBooks and PowerBooks, answers to David’s question on iPod USB charging without syncing, Sebastien and I want to stop iPod/iTunes connect “jump”, answers to Lance’s Linksys router not giving out DHCP address, correction on discontinued MSN service, you need AppleCare. IggSoftware PlayPod Promo. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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Featured Music: Where Would You Go, Winkle
MacCast 03.12.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!
MC20050312.mp3 [15.7mb (34:17) 64kbps]
Show 36. Tiger in April? New iMacs and eMacs coming too, Wisconsin wants iPod Tax, Microsoft discontinues MSN for Mac, Everybody Dance Again an Apple Pro article on Scott Weintrob, MacRumors eludes to PowerMac future, Jobs net worth on the rise and Issues with new PowerBook Trackpads. The first ever Mac HitTest. Listeners have issues with Airport and Linksys Router, questions about charging iPod via USB, but not syncing, answers on how to print selected text using OS X Services, question on Mac Secruity and Maintainence. Thought Out offers exclusive iPed Discount for MacCast listeners and new music from Geoff Byrd. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Elusive Butterfly, Geoff Byrd
Listener Randy’s Setup
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Feedback
Here is a picture of another get Mac setup from Randy. Looks like a nice place to work. Randy’s comments are below.
Randy says: Enclosed is a photo of my “playroom” at home. Next to my dual 2.5 G5 is an empty G5 box I bought off of Ebay and filled it with 250 gig drives. So, there are 2 – 250 sata drives in the g5, 6 firewire enclosed 250 gig drives in the empty G5 box and there are also anoth 2 250 gig drives on the top counter (yes, 10 -250 gig drives) All for my HOBBY of Photography!
MacCast 03.09.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!
MC20050309.mp3 [14.0mb (30:39) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 35. CherryOS G4 emulator for PC launched, Linux creator uses a Mac, but not OS X, Terrasoft offers Yellow Dog on bootable iPod/Firewire drives and Sony takes on the Shuffle. Listeners want to know about iGeeks, how to keep PodcastAlley voting on the up and up, how to burn Mac DVDs on a PC, using bookmarkable AAC files for podcasts, how to print only selected text in OS X, checkout the MacDad Blog and backup options for OS X. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Sunrise, Alex McLeod
MacCast 03.07.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!
MC20050307.mp3 [15.0mb (32:47) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 34. Apple sues for patent infringement, iTunes phone due out Thursday, the worlds first iPod retail store opens, bloggers file to dismiss Apple lawsuit, Microsoft Office update, more retail store news, is Tiger coming soon and iPod Shuffles are now readily available. Listeners have questions about CD/DVD burning and SGI monitors. We clarify FireFox not quitting issue and how to do show notes. Also announce new audio feedback service. Enjoy. New music from Robert Wade, visit him at his official website. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Monkey Cymbals, Robert Wade
AxsDeny’s SGI Connector
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Feedback
Here is the Silicon Graphics monitor adapter that was mentioned on the Monday March 7th show.
Correction: Sorry Camino
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
On my March 2nd show I made a BIG mistake and gave out incorrect info on Camino, the Cocoa native Mac browser based on the Mozilla GEKO engine. I incorrectly said it was no longer in development and that FireFox had replaced it. We’ll nothing could have been further from the truth. Since then MacCast listeners have been sending me all kinds of info on Camino so I am going to use this area to give you updated links and info.
Camino Project Page
From Robert, info on Camino’s upcoming 0.9 release
MacCast 03.04.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!
MC20050304.mp3 [11.0mb (23:58) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 33. Apple’s with Intel inside? Intel Mini mock up is just a MOCK up. New iPod chips and how to share iTunes over the Internet. iPod replacement batteries for longer life. Want a Shuffle? Get one from the local library. May the Force be around your iPod and iMacs are hot, but not in a good way. We answer listener questions and help some PC friends. Enjoy. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Let the Motor Run, Mark Woznicki
MacCast 03.02.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!
MC20050302.mp3 [17.2mb (37:34) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 32. Since I missed Modays show due to illness, this show is double featured so it’s really all to much to cover here. You’ll just have to listen. Enjoy. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: You’re a Friend, The Flying Public