Another MacGeek Logo
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
I just go this from MacCast listener Jimmy.
I’ve been listening to the Maccast for several months now and have even begun to use the forum. GREAT JOB! PLEASE KEEP IT UP. I am a professional graphic designer/writer and I really enjoy the podcast. I listen to it in my car during my commute. The reason for my email is I was doodling several weeks ago and came up with an idea for a possible logo. Well, it has been sitting in my sketchbook with a note to send you a copy for a while now. It is SO funny that when I visited the site tonight I saw that you ALREADY have a new logo already. Anyway, for what it’s worth, I thought I’d send mine anyway.
I like the new one, so please don’t consider this as a “knock” on it. As I said, I came up with it a while ago, but have just been too lazy to send it. The concept plays upon your intro “for mac geeks by a mac geek” and builds on your previous logo. I got to thinking, what would a mac geek look like? This logo looks like a geeky representation of the Finder, complete with tape covered, horn-rimmed glasses. I thought the over-magnifed eyes made it even more unique. I have attached a pencil sketch for you.
iPod Sock Puppets
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Looks like Phillip Torrone, of Engadet, has posted a new article on the Make Magazine web site to make use of some useless iPod accesories.
How to Make your own iPod Sock Puppet
New MacCast Logo
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Hey in case you didn’t notice the MacCast finally has a logo. I hope you like it.
Now I think this little guy needs a name. Please checkout the new “Name the MacCast Mascot” contest in the forum.
Photo’s from NAB 2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
MacCast 04.18.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050418.mp3 [12.6mb 27:38 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 51. Java and JavaScript issues in OS 10.3.9 effect some users, Safari has performance boost in 10.3.9, Adobe to acquire Macromedia, Apple updates 20GB iPod packaging, Nine Inch Nails, ‘The Hand that Feeds’ open to editing, Tiger GOLD master leaked to Internet, whats not in new G5 PowerMacs and Apple announces FinalCut Studio Pro Suite and Shake 4 at NAB. Part 4 of our special report on scanning 35mm negatives and slides. A listener review of NiceCast, how to fix a cracked iPod screen and Darrell’s guide for new Mac geeks #4. New music, Where I Belong by FrontRowCenter. Sound is meant to be heard. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Subscribe to the Podcast Feed or Get the MP3
Check out the final installment, part 4, of MacCast Ara’s four part special report on how to convert your 35mm prints and slides into digital format. Click here for Part IV.
OS X Tiger Developer Trading Cards
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
In the MacCast forum listener Geoff posting this link to trading cards of the OS X Tiger development team.
View all Tiger Developer Trading Cards
MacCast 04.15.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050415.mp3 [14.1mb (30:49 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 50. Mac OS 10.3.9 released, Apple updates to iLife and iSight, specs on the rumored new PowerMac, iMac and eMac models, Apple moves up to number 5 in PC Sales for the 1st quarter, explanation of Apple’s renaming of Rendezvous to Bon-jour, Apple will open 8th retail store in Florida, Apple offers free Tiger evaluation copy to educational customers and a “Mac fan” calls Tiger a “minor’ upgrade. Part three of our special report on scanning 35mm negatives and slides, Tiger benchmarks on MacTouch and Bill Gates loves Macs. New Music, Scared (the difference between) by Betablokka. Can you hear me? Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Subscribe to the Podcast Feed or Get the MP3
Check out Part 3 of MacCast Ara’s four part special report on how to convert your 35mm prints and slides into digital format. Click here for Part III.
Tiger Update: April 29th @ 6:00 PM
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Hey. I just got in from meeting with my tax preparer and I saw the news. The official release date for Tiger is April 29th at 6 PM. I am going to assume that means 3 PM here on the Pacific coast, not sure how that works internationally. The price is $129.00 USD for a single user and $199.00 USD for a family pack (5 computers). Apple will also have a “bundle” of Tiger, iLife and iWork for $249.00 USD which saves you fifty bucks. System requirements are a G3, G4 or G5 with built-in Firewire and 256MB of RAM. OS X Tiger Server will also be released for $499.00 USD (10 client) and $999.00 USD (unlimited). Server will feature support for 64-bit processors and an iChat server. Tiger Server requires 4GB of hard disk space, wow! I am so excited. Now I need to get the day off so I can hit the Apple Store early. MacCast Tiger Release Edition to follow on May 1st. I know where some of my tax refund is going. ;)
Buy OS X Tiger from through the MacCast and save $35, plus support the show.
UPDATE: Listener Craig sent these link for anyone wonder what’s new in Tiger:
The 200+ New Features in Tiger
A comparison of the features in different versions of OS X